Well, there we were... finally altogether for the first time in simply ages. It was a beautiful sunny day. Alison had already arrived, having just got to Janet's before me.. (The amusing thing is she has the furthest to come and I was the nearest to Janet!) It didn't take long for Amanda and Chris to arrive so, once more all the Tuesday Girls were finally able to get together - at the same time... and what a lovely time we had together.... chattered non stop about so many things! As is usual with our 'get togethers'... tea and cake/biscuits were in good supply.
Alison and Amanda had both had birthdays in early June. As we had all hoped to get together in June, the birthday presents hadn't been given or sent...so it was a very merry session for us of gift giving and... oh yes! Cake!!! Alison received a Moda charm and mini-charm pack of Wintergreen fabric plus a pattern, some National Trust notelets and a wonderful little thimble brooch with rolls of fabric and accessories inside it. Amanda, who had already had a couple of presents nearer her birthday, received a pack with fabric and a pattern of Beach Huts by Julia Gahagen. She also had a set of small bottles in a carrier which Alison knew Amanda had very much wanted. We ate birthday cake and drank tea, Welsh cakes or pistachio cookies. All very yummy.
Alison showed us many items she had begun or been given. As she
was imminently expecting her first grandchild, (her mobile was very nearby!) she had made a fabric 'numbers book', a little play quilt
edged with ribbons. They all had a memory attached to them so it was very
personal and was wonderful to look at. She had used a fabric which
reminded us all of the author Richard Scarry's characters, from our
childhoods. Alison had also brought a mat made for her large sewing
machine which she had made using Midwinter Reds by Minick and Simpson
for Moda. It was really lovely. Alison had brought the quilt to finish off with hand quilting. She had also
brought a book her husband had given her of stitching patterns
containing some great ideas. Name will be added once I find the copy I had brought.
Janet showed us some of her latest quilts... two of which were for charity. The colours of this one were vibrant and cheery... just what I think a good tonic should be, fabulous! The other was more pastel and used die cut flowers which were appliqued on.
I had popped in to Needle and Thread on the previous Saturday, where Janet was teaching a Bow Tie quilt class. I had only been able to stay for an hour as my daughter, home briefly from some training, wanted me to go to the Armed Forces Day at Farnborough with her. I observed what was being taught, bought myself a Moda, Basic Grey Sweet Serenade Jelly Roll of browns, aquas, peaches and cream fabrics! I had managed to cut and stitch one block there, so spent the time at Janet's stitching together many 2 1/2 inch squares with 1 1/2 inch half squares. Chris had brought something to do but was happy to chat as she was going off to do some Search and Rescue training with the Tuesday Puppy after lunch.
As always with Janet, lunch was a super affair with salmon, new potatoes and salad. Desert was a treat of fresh fruit and either fromage frais or Greek yoghurt and meringue nests. We sadly said a goodbye to Chris and then we settled to more of our projects. More chatter, some of which was discussing August's Festival of Quilts at the NEC in Birmingham. Janet and Alison are both attending for the duration of the show, so they will also be going to some of the classes... lucky things! I'm still in two minds about going as I have a fabric collection to rival Needle and Thread's (but then, don't we all?) and I don't NEED anything else (having also been VERY restrained at Sandown). So... how to justify going? Any good ideas - please post!
Eventually it was time for us to go our separate ways... I had an appointment at the gym!!! Alison was wending her way back to Hampshire... her telephone close to her side... just in case! * Until next time, although we may not be five again for quite a while!
*Congratulations to Alison (and her family). She is now a proud granny to a healthy baby boy.