My first task was to find where she had moved to.... I thought I had the correct address (having left it on my cutting table!!!), so I phoned her, being unable to find the house and no, I was one road to soon! LOL Having found where I should be, I then unpacked my bits and pieces and discovered I was the first to arrive. Two cuppas and a wonderful piece of chocolate cake later, Alison arrived...
In the mean time Amanda was working on her own project... no photos as I was so engrossed in mine, I forgot to photograph hers! Apologies to you Amanda.
Alison began to sew some more of her Farmer's wife blocks and by this time, Chris had arrived, showing us a rather nice blue and yellow charm square top which her mum had begun and given to her. We then looked at a lovely selection of 'leaders and enders' blocks which we played around with for positoning, as she had cut both triangles and rectangles. We came up with some reasonable ideas which Chris is now considering. (At this point my camera ran out of power!!!! So the rest of the photos are on my phone which needs an adapter card to put in my computer... so watch this space for them, please!) All now updated!
Lunch was served... a really tasty spicy pumpkin soup with Tiger bread (no recipe as it was from our local Co-op due to Amanda's hectic moving in schedule!). Desert was a choice of yogurts.. very yummy and of course more tea! We chattered about many different topics during the day, ranging from my diet, children with sight 'problems' to moving home, (very topical) and plumbers.. which I was about to dash home for as I received a text to say he was coming earlier than 'anticipated'. SO.... once lunch was over, I had to leave... after another little meringue and of course, a mug of Tea! I think we all achieved at least a few elements of our current projects, whilst putting the world to 'rights' and getting small issues 'off our chests'! LOL...
Until next time dear reader...!!!!!