Gloria had bought some very nice fat quarters of Xmas Fun by Lynette Anderson. They are really lovely fabrics and will be beautiful for the quilt she wants to make. We looked at one of Amanda's projects, which was being made in most striking fabrics ( anyone know what they were???) and worked on the 'quilt as you go' principle.
We were asked by Amanda if we would mind a lady (and possibly her daughter too) coming to a future Tuesday session so we could help with a quilt to commemorate her husband, using some of his shirts as her daughter was unable to part with them since his recent death. We all thought it was a lovely idea and agreed. More tea and cake was drunk/munched at this point then, sadly, Chris who was unable to stay for the whole day, left before lunch.
We carried on chatting and sewing. Janet had us all in awe as she has again been very busy and was binding several of her projects. The morning had vanished quite rapidly, but it was still quite a surprise to realise it was almost lunch time and so without too much ado, the oven went on and the salmon went in. Today's variety was with a garlic and herb cream cheese crust (lightly toasted granary/seeded breadcrumbs topping the lot). There were also a lattice pork pie, chicken fajitas, salad and all the trimmings. For desert I had used two packs of Devilishh Panna Cotta (just need to boil the contents for two minutes and then pour into ramekins and chill to set - they came from Lakeland, but I have seen them in Morrison's on one occasion) with blueberries and raspberries or meringues with creme fresh and the fruit. Blow the diet... but just for the day!
After lunch and another cuppa, the Tuesday Girls got on with some more sewing. We also, and thank you Alison for your help, put together a stand which I had found in one of our local charity shops. The pictures were very helpful too but I need to assimilate info SLOWLY! Then, as we talked about our quilting experience, the girls explained to Gloria that I had never intended to become a quilter!!! It's true, you see I had only ever intended to make one for my daughter a few Christmases ago, but then I did one for my MIL, one for a friend as her birthday was imminent, and so it went on. I take my teasing in good humour as it reminds me that I have some lovely friends who know me better than I know myself. As time was getting on, and I had a late afternoon appointment, we packed up and some of us went to Needle and Thread with Gloria so she could look at more fabric to go wiht her FQ's. At this point, I then had a to dash off and yet another Tuesday was sadly over. We won't all be together again for a few weeks although we may get together for a cuppa! See you soon!
300g of self raising flour
2 tablespns of soft light brown sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Banana batch
2 eggs lightly beaten
3 tablespns of sunflower or vegetable oil
5 tablespns of soured cream ( I used natural yoghurt)
80g pecans broken up
3 ripe bananas mashed
100g diced apricots
a teaspn of vanilla essence.
Lavender batch
2 tablespoons of (Waitrose) lavender sugar to the soft brown sugar
1 tablespn of honey (if desired)
1 egg
225ml buttermilk (used natural yoghurt)
2 tablespns of milk
50g butter (melted)
Rind of 1 large orange finely grated
juice of half the orange and three drops of orange essence.
Use the remaining orange juice and 2 tablesoons of castor sugar
Incorporate some lavendar sugar
Boil until sugar is dissolved
Pour over the still warm muffins and allow to cool.
As with all muffins, mix dry ingredients first then add liquid, stirring until just combined.
Each batch makes 12 muffins, baked at 190 degrees in a fan oven for about 15 minutes... till golden and firm.
*The Lavender sugar was added to taste... some people find it a little strong, so try it first. The muffins were very moist. They don't last long but freeze well.
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