Weatherwise you would never think it was May, everyone had been advised to wear sweaters as the heating had been turned off and the house was cool especially in the morning I think it became sunny later on but truthfully I have no idea.
Chris arrived first quickly followed by Amanda and Janet, unfortunately Caroline couldn't join us as she had other plans.
While the tea was brewing and the apple cake (National Trust recipe - delicious)was being tucked into we got started with some sewing and show and tell. We all seemed to have things that were almost complete so it was great to see what we had been busy with.
Amanda started us off by showing us a Christmas tree skirt that she had completed, all the edges of the snowflakes had to be appliquéd on, what a tremendous amount of work but it was worth it , it looked lovely. She had started the tree skirt at a workshop in Canterbury with Sue Sharp.
Chris continued the Christmas theme, she was binding this lovely lap quilt that we all started at a mini workshop with Janet quite some time ago.( If I am honest I don't even know where mine is.....must be in a box somewhere)
Janet had finished the quilting on this lovely colourful quilt, it is always astonishing how a simple 4 patch and plain block look so good together. I loved the colours that she had used, I think she said they were leftovers from another project.
Janet had also finished the quilting on Sparkling Gemstones, a quilt from the Jelly Roll Quilts book. she was busy sewing the binding for both the quilts today which are destined to be Charity Quilts. Two lucky people are going to get great enjoyment and warmth from these lovely quilts.
Amanda also had this beautiful Black and White to show. This quilt from The Yellow Brick Road pattern from Terry Aitkinson was started 7 years ago and has matured very well. It is for her stepson, who I am sure will love it.
I had a baby Rail fence quilt to show, this is for my daughter's friend who has just had the most beautiful little girl.
Very simple and very quick which was a lovely change from all the hand quilting that had been going on in the wedding quilt which believe it or not is finally finished and has been passed on to the not so newly weds!.
I was also doing some hand sewing, finishing off a block for my Dear Jane quilt, I can't remember the name of the block and if I have to get up and look for it this blog may never get published. I also worked on one of the blocks for my Evening Bloom appliqué quilt. Very excited that I only have two more blocks to complete.
It was lovely to catch up with everyone and hear their news and to spend the day sewing together. It won't be long before hopefully we can all get together again.
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