Well, there we were once more, in the Conservatory. It was very cool to begin with so I had ventured out early with heaters to ensure those who feel the chill more, would be comfortable. I began my stitching about 9.30 with a new set of fabrics for my newly married friends in Brazil, as I wasn't happy with my previous choice. Maybe I will complete it for myself! I like the floral fabrics.. but, they may be just a little too 'girly'! My companion, our Staffi Sammi, lay by the heater in doggy bliss! It wasn't too long until Janet arrived, followed by Chris then Amanda. Alison was unable to join us, sadly.
I had, just for a change, been very organised and made not only our lunch the night before, but also our Muffins; this time Almond and Apricot from 'Muffins - Fast and Fantastic' by Susan Reimer. They were warmed up in the microwave and served immediately. With the addition of some malted loaf (bought I'm afraid) plus another cuppa, we settled in to another great day of crafting in good company.
Chris began cutting out some felt leaves and acorns in rich colours, for an applique design and Janet was completing the binding on a Christmas tree hanging. Amanda had her hexagons and only has a few 'flowers' left to do now. All too soon it was time to clear the table...
Chris had to go earlier rather than later as she needed to let the dogs out. Amanda and Janet stayed for another cuppa and a piece of Walnut cake (Tesco's) then, sadly, they too left. Another Tuesday over again. We will meet back here next week, all being well!
You sound as though you had a lovely day and were certainly busy - I did think of you all. Hopefully see you soon. Alison