Not quite as lewd as the title sounds, but I was staying home to take a delivery of furniture for my lovely neighbours.. so what a great excuse to invite the Tuesday Girls over for a Tuesday get together. This was to be a very short session as none of us had too much time to spare, so no lunch but a great excuse to break out the M&S pistachio, stem ginger or/ and the Cranberry and Orange cookies I have been dying to open for a while (but due to dieting for a wedding outfit - couldn't!)
Wouldn't you know it, the delivery was done and dusted by 9.20am so the angst of not knowing when it would be (a 2 hour slot was given at 7.59 am) was over and I could relax. Chris arrived having discovered she could come for a while and then Janet who was also supposed to be staying in for a delivery, found that her hubby was going to be in too.. so we were a trio as Alison was in Scotland and Amanda on holiday. Tea and biscuits were duly dispensed.
We chatted affably in a now much cooler conservatory due to the addition of some super heat reflecting blinds which allow light in but not so much of the glare. Chris was cutting a layer cake for a tiny Turning Twenty Quilt (I suffered severe fabric envy at this point.. the colours are right up my alley!) greatly admired by my husband, too.
Janet was stitching some diamonds together, but alas my memory fails me and I am sad to say I cannot remember what she is making... it is now becoming a definite recurring 'senior moment'! Sigh! I was going to attempt some binding for my black and white quilt, now completely quilted by Yvette on her long arm machine.. a huge thanks for that. It looks lovely and was so well done!
We held a short 'Show and Tell' as Janet had been up to Birmingham for the Festival of Quilts, but also to work for Needle and Thread. She found that all the samples made for it had helped to sell the lovely ranges of fabrics which Yvette currently has in store, which was great. This time round mini samples had been produced rather than full size quilts. I think this must have helped with space too.
Janet showed us some of the items she had purchased and promised us the next time we were all together we would have a little surprise. That will be a while yet as I'm involved in a wedding cake and running out of time, plus we are all to the four winds with commitments or holidays.. so the blog may be a little light over the next few weeks, folks! Anyway, it was a pleasant period of time spent with good friends.
Until next time dear readers...!
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