Today was a special day for the Tuesday Girls as it was our first Retreat Day.
As usual we started with a cup of tea or coffee, cakes and a chat
Alison had a show and tell the fabric is Piece on Earth by Three Sisters from Moda and the pattern is 'Stepping Stones' from the Layer Cake, Jelly Roll and Charm Quilts book by Pam and Nicky Lintott from the Quilt Room.
Amanda was putting the borders on a black, white and turquoise quilt, the design 'Twinkle' comes from the book by Kim Brackett called Scrap-Basket Sensations. Amanda then continued with the Christmas Trees from a workshop we did last September, adding the sashings and cornerstones.
Caroline was reaching the last stages of the 'Log Cabin Stars,' piecing the rows together and adding the borders.
Chris started the morning by trimming off the excess papers from the foundation pieced Christmas trees from the same workshop that Amanda was doing. Chris then went on to make the stars for the the Twelve Days of Christmas Mystery Quilt, after several false starts, Chris completed six blocks.
And then is was back to the Christmas trees, to add the sashings and cornerstones.
Alison was adding the sashing strips to her quilt 'Stars Around the Garden'
Alison then went on to make the pieced border, which involed cutting 31/2" squares and sewing them together in groups of three.
I was finishing the quilting on the 'Secret Garden' quilt I was making for Needle and Thread and then it was on to make the binding, only to find as I was reaching the end of putting the binding on that I was about six inches short, so knowing I had a little more fabric at home, that was all I could do on this today
I then went on to make some more Granny Squares, using my pink and cream nine patches as leaders and enders.
After lunch from the local coffee shop and with more tea and cake we continued on as we had in the morning.
By late afternoon , with more tea and cake, Caroline had completed the top of her 'Log Cabin Stars' and was making the backing for the quilt.
Amanda had finished the sashing and had added the borders on her 'Christmas Tree' quilt.
Our last thing to do before we made our way home was to help Caroline pin her quilt.
We all thought it was a very successful day and have arrange another day for later on in the summer.
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